The pre-orientation webinars, Road to UM, and Communication Series are your go-to resources to keep you informed prior to your arrival and to prepare you for a smooth transition to the University of Miami.
Contact us with any questions or concerns you have as you get ready to become part of the Hurricane community and we look forward to meeting you
The summer webinar series is designed to provide you with information about a variety of topics related to being a student at the University of Miami. The sessions are presented by university administrators, faculty, and students on topics that may generate questions over the summer that you would like answered before you arrive
All webinars will be recorded and available on the orientation webpage for view at a later time. The specific dates and times for the webinars are listed below.
The link to the
The Road to UM will be your go-to guide for all things you need to know during the months prior to your start at the U. We cannot stress enough how important it will be for you to read through this upon receiving it. You will receive The Road to UM in mid-May via physical mail.
Prior to arrival to campus, students and families will receive a series of emails containing important information and topics that will help students get prepared for the U. New Students receive each newsletter via their UM Email.
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