Association of Commuter Students (ACS)

ACS Logo

The Association of Commuter Students (ACS) began in 1974 as the “Women’s Commuter Organization,” later known as the “Road Runners.” The now-dubbed Association of Commuter Students has transformed over the years into a strong network of spirited University of Miami students and alumni.

ACS is a “Home Away from Home” for its members and serves as a place to bond with fellow students and participate in all the University of Miami offers. It is not merely a club, but a family. ACS has a long tradition of involvement in a range of campus events including Homecoming, service days, intramurals, and more. You can find ACS in the first row of the football stadium, cheering on members during Homecoming events, as well as occupying various leadership positions throughout the University. ACS provides its members with a working knowledge of UM that gives them the opportunity to become fully involved in campus life.

An invaluable resource to all its members, ACS also provides a unique chance to become part of a community of dedicated and extraordinary friends. Brought together by a simple fact of life, commuting to school, ACS members have forged bonds that extend beyond this common circumstance. ACS members form friendships that last a lifetime.


2024-2025 Executive Board

2024-2025 executive board


Jonnathan Mendoza


Adrianna Zambrano

Vice President I

Nicholas Lamadriz

Vice President II

Ivan Degtyarev


Diego Chang

Social Chair

Nataly Leiva

Community Outreach Chair

Jaime Perena Cortes

Communications Chair

Maria Angelica Petit

Public Relations Chair

Accordion Group

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  • How to Join

    ACS is open for all students to join! To learn more about joining ACS, visit our Suite 210-C on the second floor of the Shalala Student Center and reach out to any executive board member!

  • Membership Fee

    ACS is a registered student organization through the Committee on Student Organizations located in the Shalala Student Center Student Organization Suite, room 210C. ACS membership is open to all enrolled students and requires dues of $30 per semester or $50 for a full year. Payment can be made at the link below.

    Pay Here

  • What We Do

    ACS focuses on creating a community by hosting various on and off-campus events and being involved in events hosted by the University of Miami.

    Some of these events include:

    • Social Events
    • Intramural Sports
    • Community Service
    • Homecoming
    • Sportsfest
    • Banquets
    • And More!

  • Follow Us!

    Learn more about our upcoming events and opportunities by following @acs_um on Instagram and joining our Engage page at
